Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chronic Pain

I am having a whinge.
I need to.
I don't usually talk about it, but it has been driving me mad.

I have psoriatic arthiritis. I take a number of medications that at the moment don't seem to be working, personally I call them my poisons, as they are taken to prevent the immune system from attacking itself. The goal of treatment for psoriatic arthritis is to control inflammation. Skin symptoms and joint symptoms are usually treated at the same time.

They don't always work...

There are 78 major joints in the body and psoriatic arthritis can affect any one of these.

I have experience different patterns of pain. Sometimes it affects just one or two joints such as a knee or ankle, but often several joints, both large and small and on both sides of the body, are involved.

I also have a painful, stiff back or neck caused by inflammation in the spine. This is called spondylitis. This is there all the time.

I am just having a whinge. I don't care if no one listens I just needed to say it "out loud"


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you're having a flare of PA! We have a great support group at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/PsoriaticArthritis/ It's wonderful to have a place to whinge where everyone knows exactly what you're going through! You should join us. Lots of good info on meds, minimizing side effects, daily coping, etc.

Anonymous said...

You can whinge all you like, it's your blog! :) Someone will always respond, - sorry you are having a rough time.